Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bonesaw Eats Rabbit Turds

look here, barfgurgler. i know that you're basking in the money you got from that lawsuit from drinking a Dr. Pepper full of lye, but the Stinkbait's gotta werk for a living. My boss is yelling at me, and I say "HEY, F U AND ALL THIS WORKING AT THE ARTIFICIAL PLANT PLANT!!!" I quit and got a job makin' pizza rolls, but it just aint the same sweet chemical high as making 500 fake hibiscus from a bucket of petroleum distillate. Lay off the StinkyB or I'll be forced to make the best guitar solo ever and take all the credit. You know it can happen!

Dimebag Darryl was my great-grandfather. Yeah, I said it. What? What you gonna do 'bout it? Nuthin, that's what.

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