Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Life is good

Well it's that time of year. Time to give thanks, time to appreciate all of things that you have. I scan my surroundings and life has been good to me. I see about 5 chicks currently in my lair with about 100 or so more waiting outside. The pack of wolves that patrol my acreage are specifically trained. They have the ability to chase off the ones that arent ideal. As for the ones that are left, I'll get to them in due time dont you worry about that. I see my recording studio over there. My amps. My guitars. Two fridges full of beer. Life is good. I want to take this time to pause and remember 2 people that I have lost within the last year. My cousin Joe-Bob and and Uncle Leonard. They were killed in a freak monster truck mishap. They didnt have enough money to get the good seats so they were at top of the seating area. After they drank about $300 worth of beer they decided to go down to the front row and see the action up close. They were so excited when this one truck that shot flames out of the exhaust pipes appeared. The driver gunned it and lost control of the vehicle. The flames melted Joe-Bob and Uncle Leonard. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

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